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Our Campus

Play Ground

S.RAZA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL believes "Healthy body breeds healthy mind" and show diligence for perfection in everything, including sports.

S.RAZA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL believes "Healthy body breeds healthy mind" and show diligence for perfection in everything, including sports. Sports Day in school is a vibrant celebration of athleticism, teamwork, and school spirit. It's a day when the entire school community comes together to cheer on their peers as they compete in various sports and games.

The air is filled with excitement and camaraderie, with students showcasing their skills in events ranging from track and field to relay races and tug-of-war. It's not just about winning; it's about participation, sportsmanship, and fostering a healthy competitive spirit among students. Sports Day fosters a sense of unity and pride within the school, creating lasting memories and encouraging physical fitness among students.