08757059616   06123502007


Principal's Desk

Dear S Raza Girls High School Community, It is with great pride and humility that I address you from the principal's desk. The journey of S Raza Girls High School has been truly extraordinary. From its humble beginnings, our school has blossomed into a bastion of knowledge, wisdom, and service. We have realized the dreams and expectations of our society by moulding young minds, instilling in them a love for knowledge, and nurturing their sense of responsibility as future citizens of our beloved nation.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the exceptional teachers, staff, and collaborators, both past and present, who have dedicated themselves tirelessly to shape S Raza Girls High School into the institution it is today. Their unwavering commitment has been instrumental in our journey of growth and progress.

Our school community is not limited to its physical walls; it extends to encompass the parents, well-wishers, and benefactors who have played an integral role in our success. Your wholehearted support and cooperation have been invaluable in upholding the principles and values that S Raza Girls High School represents.

I am ever grateful to the SRGHS family, which includes our devoted staff members. It is their dedication and passion that continue to drive our school's mission and uphold its standards of excellence.

As we look back on the years gone by, I am filled with gratitude to the almighty for journeying with us, providing inspiration, guidance, and protection in our pursuit of knowledge and service.

Together, we, the administrators, staff, teachers, students, parents, well-wishers, and benefactors, stride forward towards a brighter future filled with hope, vision, new horizons, and boundless possibilities. The legacy we build today will shape the leaders and change-makers of tomorrow.

With profound appreciation and warm regards,

Dr. Sheeba Raza        