S.RAZA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, Alinagar, Anisabad, Patna has been established in a newly Constructed building. The School at present is upto Class X standard. It is an English Medium School which aims at imparting liberal education to girls to develop their wholesome personality and Make them successful and complete citizens of free and secular India. It is indeed a very happy augury that the crying and the urgent need of really an excellent school under C.B.S.E curriculum ,Delhi board has been fulfilled by the establishment of S.RAZA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL.It is an English medium school from montessori I to class X. S.RAZA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL is a non denominational institution, claimed to be unique of its kind, open to all deserving students irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. S. RAZA GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL provides an academic environment blended with love and discipline conductive to overall development of the child’s personality and help her grow up as an enlightened and useful citizen, capable of adjusting to the requirements of life.
A digital classroom, which is rapidly transforming the way, teachers teach and students learn in schools with innovative and meaningful use of technology.
Sports Day in school is a vibrant celebration of athleticism, teamwork, and school spirit. It's a day when the entire school community..
To develop students personality and originality for developing their inherent talent , enough scope is provided to take part in cocurricular activities.
Our vision is to be acknowledged as an institute which provides quality education with modern teaching techniques. But with traditional roots attached to it. Our belief is that all children should have the opportunity to experience the joy of discovery and develop a love of learning.
We persistently endeavour to improve classroom learning and towards achieving this objective we innovate and improvise our approach each passing year. Our system of imparting knowledge is child centered. Your child is the centre of all our activities and we understand it is the same with you.